
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Help Me Say Thank You

I don’t have this, don’t have that,
I want this toy, including that
Can’t see what I have. I complain to You
Please help me ditch that and say thank you.

I never went hungry, never knew thirst,
Yet often I see what isn’t here. I burst
Out complains, because I refuse to see the clue.
Please teach me gratitude and the words thank you.

Each time I walk from class to class,
I don’t have to look back as I pass.
No harm comes because of You,
Please help me remember to say thank you.

Please help me be like Your man Paul:
Thirst, hunger, danger—he’s seen ‘em all.
Yet he didn’t quit or yell at You,
Instead he knelt and said thank you.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Thinking of Films and Plays

I know a work of Dumas;
I have seen the 1998 film too.
Vicomte de Bragelonne on the
Screen. Five actors, and an actress too.

I have read Eugene O’Neill:
A Moon for the Misbegotten.
Three solid hours mean solid thrill,
Not of action, but thoughts of men.

I reflect on those things now, for
Each, I realize, is a mirror.
As I read and watched, “I hear you,
I said, “I was [or am] in your shoes too.”

Now, I watch the captain of soldiers, and I nod.
Then, I see the Broadway actor, and I nod.
The nod is with understanding, for I too,
Wear what they’ve worn—it’s true.