
Thursday, May 22, 2014

Through Your Eyes (a sequel to Perspective)

A single wish to beat
The stifling summer heat—
At times, mine is Victory,
At times, fate frowns on me.

I see you, dear child: dressed by the sun,
The wind touching your hair, then it is gone.
Your eyes a pool of questions, your feet itch to run,
To explore. Your smile proclaims the fun.

I take a leaf from you again,
As when you tasted candy in the rain.
I will see the world through your eyes,
Even if it will take a million tries.

*photos by Michael Angelo Maga-ao

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

A Message For Two Boys

Two boys, double bundle:
Energy, laughter, a lot to handle.
By all means, unleash your strength,
You’re fun to be with, at length.
Explore your world, walk your path,
You’d get scrapes, but savour the aftermath.
You may have some rivalry,
Keep calm. Turn it to a revelry.
Reach your goals, run farther:
Have fun growing up together.